Class of 1993

Why, hello everyone! Just checking in...making sure you all made it home safely. Just in time for WTFHB (What the Fun Holiday Bingo)!

You know what I'm talking about. Pull out your cards:

 -- A bowl of sweet potatoes (yams, if you're fancy) topped with a thick, white, fluffy layer of happy-dentists-buying-second-vacation-homes-with-cash (Mmmm...gimme a spoon for each hand, please!).

 -- Brownie, the elf on the shelf, requiring you stay up into the wee hours every night in order to execute thoroughly designed, cleverly engaging scenarios for that damn elf on a shelf, because pressure from your child's friends' parents' amazing creations demands it. Until...hey, honey, we're so tired. We're so, so, tired, honey. How about you take a break from Tyler and Madison and, well, all of your friends? Just until Xmas day, when that SOB Brownie goes back in its box. It'd be the best gift you could give us, and you'd definitely be #1 on Santa's Nice List. How does that sound?

 -- Eggnog: raw eggs...with booze (and other stuff), but raw eggs. You know who else drinks raw eggs? Rocky, in the first film - every morning before his training: running up the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art; chasing and catching chickens; punching, like, a lot. So, eggnog is kinda boozed-up Rocky juice? Gag down those raw eggs with rum and mistletoe!

However Holiday Bingo shakes out for you and yours this year, don't forget that the free space represents the Season of Giving. Below is some information that particularly pertains to us and our year end giving.


Shelley Hagen

30th Reunion Photos

30th Reunion Gift

Reunions affirm that the Burroughs experience lasts for a lifetime.

Celebrating 50 Years

Three years ago, the Class of 1969 gave a 50th reunion gift of next generation trees to Graduation Grove. They anticipated raising $20,000 and ended up raising $36,000 from classmates towards the $60,000 project. You can see photos of the newly planted Graduation Grove where the Class of 2021 celebrated their graduation on June 6.