Bio Drey Land 2023

Ninth graders traveled to the Ozarks during the week of May 8 for Bio Drey Land, the culmination of their year of biology study. There, students spent four days studying and practicing field ecology techniques in the forests and stream, applying everything that they’ve learned in the classroom this year.

In addition to their field ecology work, students enjoyed an evening cookout, games led by 25 volunteers from the senior class (part of their May Project), and a float trip on Sinking Creek.

This year, students and faculty were greeted with a brand new lodge and other capital improvements that were initiated in 2021 (the camp's 50th anniversary!) to better accommodate all Drey Land programming. We are thrilled that our camp is refreshed and ready for another 50 years of service, star gazing, memory-making, field ecology, and orienteering for Burroughs students.

More photos will be available on Mr. Newman's SmugMug page after Session 2 returns on Sunday.