Master Teachers

Selecting and retaining a fine faculty is critical to a Burroughs education. Seventy-five percent of our teachers have advanced degrees, some of them multiple advanced degrees.

Burroughs faculty, on average, have 22 years of teaching experience (15 at Burroughs). They are well-trained, highly experienced, and fully committed to our students.

Quoting Head of School Andy Abbott, “The faculty is second to none, and I don't know of another school community that has a deeper reverence for great teachers or the art of teaching. I inherited a phenomenal faculty — full of teachers and coaches who love their subjects and the students they teach — and nothing is more important to me than maintaining the high standards that coaches and teachers have  set here over the years.”

Our teachers are given considerable autonomy and participate in a thorough system of evaluation and professional growth. Department leadership resides in the hands of seasoned faculty, but chairmanships are rotated, guaranteeing fresh and multiple perspectives.

Our faculty members are treated as the professionals they are. By local and national standards, they are well-compensated through salary and benefits, given ample opportunities for professional development (which they take full advantage of), encouraged to engage in cross-curricular/cross-campus collaboration, and provided classrooms that facilitate their work and enhance our students’ experience.

Our administration functions transparently, disclosing major budget and policy initiatives and including faculty in major decision-making.

Admissions Team

Meridith Thorpe
Director of Admission & Tuition Aid
314-993-4045, ext. 270

Courtney Gable
Assistant Director of Admission
314-993-4045, ext. 348

Nancy Vogt
Administrative Assistant
314-993-4045, ext. 242