A group of parents founded Burroughs, and ever since parents have played an integral role in the life of our school. A full calendar of student performances, parent meetings, and athletic contests provides the opportunity for parents/guardians to develop relationships with their children’s teachers, principals, coaches, counselors, friends, and friends’ parents. Communication between school and home is a priority and is facilitated via the head’s and principals’ open-door policies, an advisory system which kicks in from the get-go, formal and informal reporting from classroom faculty, and a personal counseling department
For those who are interested in broader involvement, volunteer opportunities abound within the context of an active Parents Council, which sponsors student, parent, and community events, provides a variety of services and raises funds for the school. Unlike most independent schools, our parents also hold a majority of the seats on the school’s governing body, the Board of Trustees, which manages the school’s finances and facilities and sets policy with the head of school.