
Instructional support and accommodations are based on students’ individual needs. Students meeting with an Academic Support teacher work on assignments from their classrooms. Academic Support does not have a curriculum for each subject, so the work from the student’s class is used for instruction. Students with issues around organization and planning typically spend a few minutes in the beginning of their period reviewing their planner with an Academic Support teacher and talking about how they are managing their time, recording assignments and planning for task completion. They use the remainder of the period to work on their assignments. Students with support needs in a specific subject, such as math, do their assignment under the supervision of a teacher, who provides support and encouragement. Academic Support teachers use classwork to help students study for tests or devise study guides.

Some students only come to Academic Support to receive accommodations (see page 6). Accommodations may include extended time for testing, use of technology to support learning issues, environmental accommodations or adapted materials. Those students receiving only accommodations are welcome to meet with an Academic Support teacher for other issues on an as-needed basis.